
For Adults / Leagues / Seniors

Welcome to the Nassau’s Senior Doubles Tennis League! This league is for 3.0+ players that are at least 55 years of age.

You Pick the Days You Can Play to Suit YOUR Needs.

The league is split into three 12-week sessions. Matches are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Out of 23 possible days to play, you pick a minimum of 10 … ANY 10! Play all 10 matches in just five weeks (both Tuesday and Thursday), play just one match a week, take one week off and play twice the next week… whatever works for your schedule. If you cannot make one of your scheduled matches, you can move it to another date within the current session with 36-hour notice.

FORMAT:  Choose 10 (or more) days below to play co-ed doubles. Each time you play there will be a mix of partners and opponents from all who are signed up.

DAYS AND TIME:  Tuesdays and/or Thursdays, 2:00 – 3:30 pm  (Times may occasionally vary)

COST:  $160 for ten rounds (minimum). Sign up for any additional days at only $13/day. The cost to pay as you play is $18 per match (members), $23 (non-members).

