I reported an Absence online. Will I get a call about a make-up?
No. All open spots available for make-ups are listed ONLINE. You can pick a convient class in Class Manager/Make-Up Request. Your selection will be reviewed by the Program Director, and you will be contacted by email or text whether or not to come to that particular class.

Can I call the front desk to report an Absence or request a Make-Up?
No. The new ONLINE system is the only mechanism for absences and make-ups. It is much more efficient than leaving phone messages, and you will get instant feedback and the most up to date information, 24-7.

Can I request to come to an open class even if I am not looking for a Make-Up?
Yes. You can request to pay for a single class that has an opening. Again, the Program Director must approve your request before you will be accepted and charged.

Why must I report an absence at least 24 hours before my class?
The only way to accommodate make-ups is to place students in classes where someone is absent. If you don’t report an absence in a timely manner, no one will have a chance to request the opening as a make-up.