Adult Tennis Programs
Adult group instruction is available for each and every player, whatever their availability or ambition. From absolute beginners to serious tournament competitors, there is a group lesson program available to meet your needs.
Adult Starter
Beginner – Adv Beginner
1 Hour/Week
Learn a new game, or polish up a rusty one. Emphasis on stroke mechanics and development of point construction.
Adult Workshop
1 ½ Hours/Week
Reinforce stroke production and mechanics. Develop movement and sustained shot combinations. Promote comprehensive point play.
Drill & Kill
By Permission of Adult Program Director (New Drill & Kill players should call to set up an evaluations – 908-359-8730
2 Hours/Week
High-energy, competitive practice sessions involving primarily “live ball” drills and point development situations.
Team Drill
By Permission
1 ½ Hours/Week
Build a competitive toolbox of strategy, patterns and specialty shots to apply to competitive match situations.
Singles Drill
Adv Beginner – Advanced
1 ½ Hours/Week
Drills, strategies and point situations to develop and/or improve a complete singles game.
Ball Machines Drill
All Levels
1 Hour/Week
“Maximum Hits per Minute.” Grove strokes and hone patterns through constant, consistent repetition. Great workout.